When the Nobodies Get VIP Access!!

“The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring Good News that will cause great joy for all the people.” Luke 2v10

Vincent and I just wanted to take a moment in the midst of the Christmas festivities to wish you a very joyful Christmas Day with your family and loved ones.

The children and teens of Parfums de Vie especially love the fact that the Good News of Christ’s birth was first of all announced to the Shepherds and not to Kings or Heads of State or Religious Authorities, but to the simple, humble, unimportant shepherds who spent their time outside in the fields.  They find it fabulous that it was those unlikely, lowly shepherds who got a front row seat to the angelic hosts praising God and that they were the very first visitors to the Holy Family.  The nobodies got VIP access!!!  It makes them feel hopeful for their own stories and circumstances: they may be forgotten, unimportant or unwanted in French society (or in their own homes) but not in God’s eyes.  He sees them, includes them and loves them!  This is the miracle of the incarnation, the Good News that will cause great joy for all the people – God came to earth and He still comes to us, now, here, today and everyday!

We wish you much love and joy today! 

With Gratitude,


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